Friday, August 29, 2008

Thing 5

I'm not sure if I can remember how to download a picture again without repeating this process several more times. I want my next image to be from my digital picture from my school library. What a neat way to show off your library and start a book talk within your school.

Thing 5

Can you identify all the books with the images?

Thing 3

I accomplished my ideal librarian pose, but the bag was always staying on the ground in front of the library. This has been a really learning experience. I can already see we need to invest in frozen dinners so I can spend more time on the computer perfecting this blog.

Starting this Journey

As I start down this road to Web 2.0, there is a feeling of anticipation and doubt. But in that old saying of Upward and Forward, I'm heading down this new pathway. Gee, I have already graduated from step 1 and it only took me an hour. I should have this project mastered in 23 more hours-right. No, I will be working on this till the last day of the semster. The habit I'm sure I will find the hardest is Habit 6-Using technology to my advantage but keeping in mind that the habit I find the most important is Habit 1-beginning with the end in mind. So in having said that, I'm ready to take a small step forward in mastering Web 2.0